Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a long term gastrointestinal disorder that affects 1 in every 5 people at some point in their life. IBS is characterized by abnormal functioning of the bowel, stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea or constipation. It mainly affects the large intestine.



Ulcerative colitis is the inflammation of the colon and large intestine and results in sores and ulcers in their lining. It is a type of inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) that tends to affect the innermost lining of your large intestine. Symptoms of this condition are usually gradual and develop over time. Ulcerative colitis(UC) is a severely debilitating condition and may prove to be hazardous in the long run. It has been estimated that in India the incidence of Ulcerative colitis is quite high and affects around 12 lakh people annually. UC has no proper cure but can be managed greatly with lifestyle modifications and proper management. Some of the common symptoms, treatment and causes of UC are

What are the symptoms of Peptic ulcer?

• Skin yellowing, yellowing of white part of the eyes
• Dark yellow urine and pale stools
• Excess fatigue
• Nausea and Vomiting
• Fever
• Loss of apetite
• Weight loss
• Muscle and joint pain

Causes of High bilirubin

Here are some conditions which cause a high level of bilirubin in the blood:
Gallstones: Blockade of gall bladder leads to high level of bilirubin.
Gilbert’s syndrome: A liver condition in which processing of the bilirubin in the liver is altered.
Liver dysfunction: Altered liver functions is the main cause of high bilirubin and thus causes jaundice. Conditions which can affect the live functions are cirrhosis, autoimmune disorders of the liver such as hepatitis, Liver cancer etc.
Bile duct obstruction
Hemolytic anaemia

Symptoms of IBS

Symptoms of IBS may come and go as its a long term complication and vary person to person. You should see your doctor if you are observing the symptoms like pain in the abdomen, the fullness of the stomach, changes in bowel habits- Diarrhoea, constipation, gas accumulation in the alimentary canal, mucus from the bottom etc.
Lack of energy, feeling of sickness, backache are the additional problems one may experience. Anxiety and depression could make the symptoms worse. So if you are in a depression and facing any kind of anxiety then treat them first before treating the IBS symptoms.
Serious complication due to IBS includes an unexplained weight loss, swelling or lump formation in your bottom and bleeding from the bottom.
Some common eating habits can trigger the symptoms of IBS such as alcohol consumption, processed snacks such as biscuits, cake, chocolate, cold drinks, oily food.

Causes and risk factors of irritable bowel syndrome

Though IBS is not a gender-specific disease it is more common in women as compared to men. Other risk factors are:
Genetic factor
Environmental factor
Psychological factors: It does not mean that IBS is completely a psychological syndrome but sometimes the mood swings, emotional factors and depression can trigger some chemical changes which in turn leads to digestive problems.
Bacterial overgrowth in the gut
Altered regulation of digestive enzymes
Oversensitivity into the intestine
Digestive problems: The movement of food from the intestine depends on its contraction and relaxation of the intestinal muscles. If food moves quickly from the intestine it is called diarrhoea. When food moves slowly it called constipation.
Increased sensitivity of gut

Home remedies for irritable bowel syndrome

If you want to get rid of the symptoms without having medicines then there are several ideas related to lifestyle changes and home remedies that you can try.
A healthy diet: A healthy diet can not only relief from symptoms of IBS but is beneficial for the overall health of a person. People with irritable bowel syndrome should include highly fibrous food in their diet and drink plenty of water.
Highly fibrous food: Beans, fruits, almonds, popcorn, brown bread, oats, chickpeas, kidney beans, brussels sprouts, broccoli, carrots, Raspberries, avocado, strawberries, pears.
Food that should be avoided: Caffeine (Coffee, tea), Smoking, fast food.

Daily work out

Daily work out is one of the best things you can do to stimulate the movement of digestive muscles which in turn relieve the IBS symptoms. Exercise is also helpful to reduce the feeling of anxiety and depression which are the main causes of digestive problems. Yoga is another workout form which shut down the stress and depression and calms your irritated digestive system.
Relax: You can incorporate some relaxation techniques into your daily routine to get relief from the symptoms. These relaxation techniques include deep breathing, muscle relaxation and stretching.
Acupuncture: If you are facing the constipation problem then acupuncture is a really effective treatment that getting the bowel movement again. Acupuncture can help to regulate the gastrointestinal functions.
Probiotic supplement: Probiotic supplement is an effective treatment for constipation as well as for diarrhoea. It relieves the symptoms by correcting the abnormalities of the microbiome and crowed the gut with good bacteria that really help in digestion.


Medication for abdominal pain: Antispasmodics
Medication for constipation: Linaclotide, Polyethylene glycol, Lubiprostone
Medication for diarrhoea: Loperamide, Alosetron
Don’t take IBS medications without the prescription of your doctor.

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