Wisdom Tooth Extraction: What to expect before and after extraction?


Is the pain due to wisdom tooth causing you trouble? Are you looking forward to undergoing a wisdom tooth extraction in Delhi? Here you should know about all about wisdom tooth extraction surgery.

What is wisdom teeth? Why people get it removed?

Do you know Wisdom teeth were necessary for earlier human beings to help them chew and eat hard foods? Well, wisdom teeth were necessary back then but evolutionary changes now have made wisdom teeth less necessary for an individual. Wisdom teeth usually grow after you reach your puberty. The wisdom tooth can be seen at the back of the mouth and are considered to be the third set of molars. Wisdom teeth can be seen growing at an age of 18-25. They are often associated with pain due to which many people have them removed. Also, many people may experience their wisdom teeth to be trapped in their jawbone resulting in tremendous pain. Some other reasons for wisdom teeth removal may include:

  • They may grow in a wrong angle affecting or pressing other teeth.
  • Lack of space for an extra set of teeth to grow.
  • It’s difficult for you to reach your wisdom tooth with a toothbrush or dental floss which may result in cavities or gum disease.

What to Expect Before Surgery?

Before undergoing a wisdom tooth extraction try talking to a top dentist in dwarka about the process. Make sure you ask about the following:

  • How many of your wisdom teeth need to be removed?
  • How long it will take to complete the procedure
  • Will the wisdom teeth extraction cause damage to my other teeth?
  • Are there any chances of nerve damage during the procedure?
  • Will I need to undergo any further dental treatment after the surgery?
  • Let your doctor know about your health conditions if any
  • Make your doctor aware about all the prescription drugs which you are currently taking on a regular basis.
  • Clear your doubts regarding the surgery if you have any like pain, recovery time and cost of the procedure.
  • Discuss the type of anaesthesia you’ll be given during the surgery.
  • You need to apply leave from work to undergo wisdom tooth extraction and to take rest after the surgery.

How to prepare for the surgery?

A wisdom tooth extraction is a simple day care procedure, which means you can go home the same day after the surgery. You will also receive a list of instructions before the surgery which will help prepare you for the process. You may put up some questions in case you have any doubt regarding:

  • Whether you can take your prescription medicine before surgery?
  • Do you need to stop drinking fluids or eating before surgery? If so, when should you begin?

During Surgery

During the process of wisdom tooth extraction, Your surgeon will give you local, sedation or general anaesthesia depending upon the complexity of the procedure and your comfort level. Anaesthesia is required so you don’t feel any pain during the process.

Your surgeon will then carry out the procedure for tooth extraction by cutting the gums or bone tissue to expose the wisdom tooth and bone. If there is any bone blocking the tooth, your surgeon will try to remove it by dividing the tooth into sections or pieces. After which, the surgeon will finally extract the wisdom tooth.

In case of bleeding, your doctor will use some gauze pads in the mouth to soak up the blood. After which, your doctor will stitch the wounds shut so they heal quickly.

After Surgery

The process of wisdom tooth extraction takes around 45 minutes to 1 hour. After surgery, you may be allowed to go home. Everyone responds differently to anaesthesia if you had a local anaesthetic and you feel alert then you can drive home all by yourself to begin your recovery process.

You may experience little or no pain after the surgery. Mild swelling can be noticed for around 3-5 days. It will take just a few weeks to completely heal. Try following your doctor’s advice in order to recover faster. Here are some tips that can help you recover faster after a wisdom tooth extraction surgery.

  • To curb the swelling on your face try putting an ice pack.
  • If you feel pain in your jaws uses moist heat to find relief from it.
  • Try some jaw opening exercises after a day of your surgery.
  • Do not consume hard foods, eat soft foods that don’t require chewing like pasta, rice, soup and etc.,
  • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.
  • From the second day of your wisdom tooth extraction, try brushing your teeth. Ensure not to brush against any blood clots.
  • Take all the medications prescribed by your doctor on time to help ease pain or swelling.
  • While drinking fluids try not to use a straw as sucking may loosen the blood clots which help your mouth heal.
  • Don’t rinse or brush your teeth too harshly. As it may worsen your pain. Ask your doctor how to rinse your mouth gently with saltwater.
  • Don’t eat hard, sticky, or crunchy foods that may affect your wounds.
  • Quit smoking.
When to call your doctor?

Don’t hesitate to call your dental surgeon in case you experience any of the following symptoms.

  • Fever
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Pus oozing out from the tooth socket
  • Numbness in the area
  • Severe pain, not controlled by pain medications
  • A bad taste in your mouth

All these symptoms may indicate either nerve damage or infection near the site of the surgery or even other serious complication.

Take away:

There are numerous clinics that offer wisdom tooth extraction surgery in Delhi. Try understanding all the facts and always speak to your dentist regarding any concerns you have ahead of time. If you are located in Dwarka, Delhi, then you can find a clinic near to your house that offers wisdom tooth extraction in Dwarka.


