
7 Tips to Reduce Fatty Liver

While many people have this misconception that fatty liver is caused due to alcohol, that isn’t just the only case. On the contrary, medical terminologies explain two different grades or types of fatty liver – alcohol-induced and non-alcohol-induced fatty liver disease. While there’s no need to explain the cause behind the first type, the second type of fatty liver is often witnessed in obese patients who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The initial stages of fatty liver are often treatable; however, the patient must introduce a healthy lifestyle and dietary changes to reduce fatty liver disease. It is only when you reach a healthy weight that you can tackle your condition for good.

Here, we will be discussing the best ways to tackle fatty liver disease by making some simple changes to your life.

1. Focus on Your Diet

Diet is hands down one of the most important factors that impact your liver functions. If you have been diagnosed with fatty liver, concentrate on making and eating foods rich in healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and antioxidants to reduce the risks of liver cirrhosis in the future.

In short, you need to introduce more foods in your diet that will combat the risks of cell damage, reduce inflammation in the body, and produce insulin optimally to mitigate any risks of insulin resistance in the body.

Foods to eat:

  • Healthy fishes like salmon and other seafood rich in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Whole grains instead of refined carbs
  • Fruits
  • Olive oil
  • Nuts
  • Avocados
  • Legumes and pulses
  • Vegetables, especially the leafy green veggies

Foods to avoid:

  • Red meat or poultry with fat or skin on
  • Full-fat cheese
  • Low-fat yogurt
  • Deep-fried foods
  • High-sugar food types like candies, soda, etc.

Vitamins and Minerals to Consume:

While we have suggested to you a list of the essential foods to eat and avoid, consulting a liver specialist in Delhi will also help you navigate through the required vitamins and minerals that your body needs to reduce the fat deposition in your liver.

Some of the standard vitamins and minerals to consider supplementing with are:

Vitamin D – Reduced or compromised levels of Vitamin D have direct impacts on fatty liver disease. So, try and spend at least 10 minutes in a day soaking in the sunlight or consuming foods that have a good proportion of Vitamin D in them, including dairy products.

Potassium – One of the key markers of non-alcohol-related fatty liver disease is low potassium levels in the body. If that is the case with you, consume foods like sweet potatoes, kiwi, cod, peas, etc., that are rich in potassium.

Betaine – Although there aren’t many conclusive studies to support the benefit of betaine, initial reports suggest that this mineral prevents fat deposition in the liver.

Focus on Weight Loss

Another essential tip to reduce fatty liver is to focus on a healthy weight loss routine. Studies suggest that losing just 5% of your initial or starting body weight can effectively prevent your fatty liver from getting worse.

Weight loss also reduces inflammation inside the body and protects the liver cells in the long run. Remember that you need to focus on sustained and gradual weight loss when you are trying to lose weight instead of a sudden drop in your weight.

Consulting the best liver doctor in Delhi can better guide you about the diet and exercises that you can indulge in to reduce your weight eventually.

Get into Exercising

If you are diagnosed with non-alcohol-related fatty acid (which is more common), the chances are that your sedentary lifestyle is to blame for it. Working out is a fantastic way to tackle the issues related to inflammation and insulin resistance in the body. Indulging in aerobic exercise has found proven results in reducing the fat deposition in the liver too.

Ensure that you start training under a professional to witness promising results. Working out five days a week for 30-40 minutes is considered more than enough to reduce fatty liver disease and the consequences it brings along.

Manage your Cholesterol Levels

Maintaining harmony between your high-density and low-density lipoprotein is essential for healthy liver functions. Ensuring the healthy levels of cholesterol and triglyceride in the body is crucial to your liver health. So, if you have a habit of eating unconsciously without considering your health, you need to rethink your priorities now and for all.

Consuming a healthy diet, taking proper medications, and leading an active lifestyle can effectively help in tackling cholesterol-driven concerns.

Spruce Up your Protein Consumption

Not many people realize this, but protein is a gamechanger. Consulting a renowned specialist like Dr. Shri Ram Agarwal will make you understand how supplementing with the proper portions of protein in meals can prove to be a healthy switch for your fatty liver disease.

Consuming correct protein levels throughout the day can not just reduce your weight and keep you full; it also has proven benefits in balancing the blood sugar and insulin levels in the body. Protein is ideally the best form of macronutrient that can effectively cut down your cravings and make you binge less on unhealthy snacks like chips and sugary treats.

Cut down Alcohol

Alcohol is a leading contributor to fatty liver disease. If you have been diagnosed explicitly with alcohol-induced fatty liver, the last thing you need is to make the condition worse. Drinking more alcohol or becoming dependent on it will eventually damage your liver cells beyond repair, leading to the condition of liver cirrhosis that several patients struggle with.

In case you have a non-alcohol-induced fatty liver, it is permissible to get a glass or drink now and then; however, steer clear of making it a habit because that is where the problem starts.

Manage Diabetes

Since insulin plays a crucial role in developing fatty liver disease, diabetic patients need to be extra careful about their disease management. Consulting a liver specialist in Delhi will first tell you to manage your blood glucose and insulin levels if you have diabetes.

If you aren’t able to do so with a healthy lifestyle along with proper medications, it is time that you see another doctor to get a change of prescription. Remember that uncontrolled diabetes will eventually damage your liver cells and make them dysfunctional in the long run.

At Samadhan Clinic, we prioritize the health of our patients and ensure to provide them with customized treatment plans to tackle their health issues, especially the ones related to fatty liver disease.